Feedback Information Sheet

Mobility of Objects Across Boundaries 1000-1700 (MOB)

You are being invited to leave feedback on our website and exhibitions. Before you leave feedback it is important for you to understand why the feedback is being taken and what it will involve. Please read the following information carefully and discuss with others if you wish. Do ask us if there is anything that is not clear or you would like more information. Take time to decide whether or not you wish to leave us feedback.

Thank you for reading this.

What is the purpose of the feedback?

This is an Arts and Humanities Research Council Funded Project run by the University of Chester. Its purpose is to bring the findings of the Mobility of Objects Across Boundaries 1000-1700 to wider public attention through public and pop-up exhibitions and to produce educational Object Boxes with associated resources for teachers to be loaned to schools. The website that has been produced with the feedback section is designed to take anonymous feedback from those who visit the website and exhibitions to see if people have enjoyed the website and exhibitions and whether these exhibitions have changed or challenged their perceptions of the Middle Ages. This feedback will be confidential and will not be made publicly available.

Why have I been chosen?

You have been chosen because you are an adult, and able to communicate in English.

Do I have to give feedback?

It is up to you to decide whether or not to give feedback. If you decide to give feedback you are free to withdraw that feedback at anytime and without giving a reason. A decision to withdraw your feedback at any time, or a decision not to give feedback will not affect you in any way.

What will happen to me if I give feedback?

You will be asked to rank your experience of the exhibitions/websites and whether your expectations of the Middle Ages have changed as a result of the website/exhibitions. The feedback will be recorded for later private analysis by the Principal Investigator of the project and the University of Chester. All information collected as part of the feedback is anonymised and no-one will be identifiable at any stage.

What are the possible disadvantages and risks of giving feedback?

There are no disadvantages for taking part and no risks.

What are the possible benefits of giving feedback?

The benefits of taking part are your contribution to the project and allowing us to see if the exhibitions were well received and if the project was able to reach the public and change perceptions on the Middle Ages.

Will my feedback be kept confidential?

All feedback will be kept strictly confidential, so that only the Principal Investigator of the project will have access to the feedback. All data both raw and final, generated by the project will remain under the custodianship of the University of Chester securely on a networked sever.

What will happen to the results of the feedback?

The results will be used to write up a Research Excellence Framework impact study which will not be made publicly available. As feedback is confidential, all who participate will not be identified in any subsequent report.

Who is organising the feedback?

The feedback is being conducted as part of the project Mobility of Objects Across Boundaries 1000-1700 (MOB), which brings together academic researchers from the University of Chester and Chester’s Grosvenor Museum. The principal investigator of the project is Dr Katherine Anne Wilson of the Department of History and Archaeology at the University of Chester.

Who may I contact for further information?

If you would like more information about the feedback before you decide whether or not you would be willing to take part, please contact:

Dr Katherine Anne Wilson:

Retention and Use of Participant’s Feedback

Participants should note that feedback collected may be retained and written up in an anonymised form. By agreeing to participate in this project, you are consenting to the retention and publication of data.